Saturday, October 11, 2008

Birthday Party for Wei & Ah Ma

October is really a month which full of birthday celebration for our family.

Yesterday, mummy have organised a birthday party specially to celebrate Wei's 12th birthday as well as Ah Ma's Lunar birthday which falls on the same day.

It was just a small birthday party inviting a few of Wei's classmates and our own family members as mummy is not able to cope alone with a big party without kakak now.

There were two cakes mummy arranged for Ah Ma & Wei each.

First, we had birthday celebration for Ah Ma and also family photos.

Then, we have group photos for Wei & all her classmates and friends before Wei cutting the cake.
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to Jia Wei, happy birthday to you.........
Finally, highlight of of the events were open presents time. See, so many presents I received from my friends and classmates.

Thank you so much for all your lovely gifts and well wishes to make my birthday a memorable one.

1 comment:

the little prince said...

Happy Belated Birthday to Wei Wei & Ah Ma!!

Mummy Teng Nee birthday also very near, celebrate again huh!! So Fun!!