Sunday, December 21, 2008

2-in-1 Celebration

Yesterday, 21/12 remarked a very meaningful day to all our family members.

Early in the morning, Wei and mummy was busy in the kitchen preparing 汤圆(thang yuan) for all of us. Yesterday was 冬至 and it was a very important day for Chinese and also the time for all family members to get together.

In conjunction with this special occasion, we have invited all our family members to get together and at the same time to have an early X'mas celebration.
Wei has suggested to have "Red & Green X'mas Party" as our theme for the night. So, majority of the members came in red & green + blue.

Mummy and Elaine 姑姑with the help of 大姨 has prepared many food for
the X'mas Party.
Look at the buffet line, there's beautiful X'mas Log Cake & X'mas cake, yummy salad, cutie mini cupcakes, coconut tarts, colorful jelly, variety of fruits, cocktail sausages, fruit cocktail, hashbrown potatoes, home-made pizzas, spaggetti and of course, the delicious turkey.
Some group photos were taken before we start our dinner while waiting for all members to arrive.

Finally dinner starts.......

The night was added with more joy with the presence of mummy's cousin brother Leong Por, Hooi Hoon & daughters to the party.

We end the night with X'mas gift exchange. No photos were taken as mummy was too busy giving out the presents under the X'mas tree and forgotten about the camera.

Merry X'mas to all of you and happy 冬至.


Julie said...

Yummy,yummy... your food looks delicious and apetizing. I want to eat your Christmas turkey. Hey! busy giving away christmas present and ... what about my present??? Have u forgotten to wrap up for me?? I have been waiting for beautiful santarina to send me my gift and till date the gift still have not been delivered. Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas to you all.

Annie Lim said...

I have been waiting for you to come to KL for years. When r u coming ? I have reserved some turkey and of course the X'mas present for u. Just waiting for the chance to pass to u.

Have a blessed 2009.